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In Love Lv4️⃣
Active User
Member for 6 years
Just for fun, debate and a bit of cynicism;

1. Which superpower/ability would you like to have most?

2. Would you be a hero, villain, vigilante, anti-hero, etc?

3. Who would you tell about your new alter-ego? BFF, GF, BF, sibling, the whole world?

4. How would you use your power/powers to defeat other people's answers in the comments?

5. Your weakness is whatever you're allergic to and your nemesis (be it superhero if you're a villain or vice versa) has powers relating to that specific allergy. What is your weakness and how would you defeat the nemesis?


Addicted Lv3️⃣
Member for 6 years
Transportation. Can travel anywhere I'd like at anytime also can transport objects and other people too. Probably be an anti hero Robin Hood style rob from the rich give to the poor ect.
My parents and my husband and children will know about my fabulous power 🤣
Not sure about the answer for 4 yet I'd just transport them somewhere else like Alcatraz.
And my weakness would be Chlorphenamine (piriton... yepp im allergic to an "antihistamine)